CUES Virtual Conference has ended
Thanks for participating in the Central Utah Educational Services first ever virtual conference! We look forward to learning alongside you.
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Sheryl Vernon

Central Utah Educational Services - CUES
School Psychologist Ed.S.
Central Utah Educational Services - CUES
Sheryl Vernon is the School Psychologist at Central Utah Educational Services. She covers the assessment and intervention need for the CUES region. She loves the challenge of working with so many different students with a wide range of abilities. Sheryl loves to spend time with her 5 children, 2 in laws, 1 grand baby and amazing husband. Some of her favorite past time is being outdoors doing a variety of activities from walking, gardening, paddle boarding, etc.
Here is the link for my presentation today. ttps://www.canva.com/design/DAF4rDntYdk/RuF5mkC9EuC74-RgcCWUgQ/edit?utm_content=DAF4rDntYdk&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton